Dogs: Cruelty to dogs involves gratuitously inflicting harm, injuring, or killing an animal. An example of this cruelty is kicking, burning, stabbing, beating, or shooting. It can also involve neglect, such as depriving an animal of water, food, shelter, and medical treatment.
Cats: Cat abuse involves physical signs of neglect, like weight loss, visible bones, poor skin and coat quality, matted fur, and open sores.Its a good idea to keep an eye out for unintentional abuse, such as hoarding, which is when they are kept together in unsanitary and overcrowded living conditions.
Chickens: Chickens are one of the most abused animals on the planet. For example, the abuse includes things like cruel mutilations like debeaking, to being bred to grow at unnatural rates, chickens on factory farms live miserable lives and every year, Americans consume 8 billion chickens.
Source came from:www.worldanimalprotection
Horses: Abuse to these animals include hitting, kicking, throwing, beating, whipping, spurring, shaking, poisoning, burning, scalding, suffocation, sexual abuse, etc. Animal sexual abuse is Any abusive act involving the rectum, genitalia or anus. Sexual contact with animals which may or may not result in physical injury to the animal.