
Diamond Health Club offers group fitness classes that are suitable for all fitness levels. Classes are held in three studios designed exclusively for group fitness programs that incorporate specialty lighting, sound, and the very best fitness equipment.


BodyPump is the fastest way to tone your muscles! Each class includes a whole body, weight training workout that targets every muscle group.

  1. Do high-volume weightlifting instead of high-load weightlifting. More muscle contraction means more reason for your body to send blood to those muscles. Plus, science says high-volume weightlifting is the best way to build muscle overall.
  2. Hydrate before and during lifting weights. Getting a pump is all about fluids, and if you’re dehydrated, your body has less water to pump your muscles with.
  3. Eat carbs before you work out. Carbohydrates hold onto water in your body, which might contribute to a better pump.
  4. Utilize supersets and tri-sets. Like mentioned before, getting a pump is all about volume. Implementing supersets (two exercises back-to-back) and tri-sets (three exercises) is a simple way to increase your overall volume and decrease overall rest time, which should increase your chances of getting a muscle pump.


Step is a low impact way to get moving. Each class uses a step board, light weights and resistance bands to workout your entire body.

  1. Places your body in a position that translates well to an outdoor bike
  2. Back support isn’t provided, so trains your ab muscles and encourages good posture
  3. Engages your upper body, since some weight is on your hands
  4. If it’s an indoor bike you’ll also see a weighted flywheel and a resistance knob


Step is a low impact way to get moving. Each class uses a step board, light weights and resistance bands to workout your entire body.

  1. Stand facing a step, chair, box, or bench. Place your entire right foot onto the step.
  2. Shift your weight into your right foot to step up onto the bench. Bring your left foot up to meet your right so you are standing with both feet on the bench.
  3. Return to the starting position by stepping down with the right foot, then the left, so both feet are on the floor.
  4. Do 10 steps leading with the left foot, then 10 steps leading with the right foot. Do three sets.


Yoga is a relaxing, yet energizing workout. Each class moves your body progressively through a series of poses which improve circulation, strengthen your body and calm your mind.

  • Child’s Pose — 5 breaths (One breath means a complete breath in and out.)
  • Downward Facing Dog — 5 to 6 breaths
  • Rag Doll — 5 to 6 breaths
  • Sun Salutation A — 3 reps
  • High Plank — 10 to 15 seconds
  • Chaturanga Push-Ups — 3 reps
  • Upward Facing Dog — 1 full breath
  • Weighted Squats — 1 minute
  • Weighted Lunges With Biceps Curls — 12 reps each side
  • Lawnmower Rows — 12 reps each side
  • Oblique Twists — 16 reps
  • Glute Bridges — 8 reps each side
  • Chest Fly — 10 reps
  • Weighted Crunch With Oblique Twist — 20 reps alternating sides
  • Leg Lifts — 12 reps
  • Figure Four — 30 seconds each side
  • Reclined Spinal Twist — 30 seconds
  • Savasana — 30 seconds to 2 minutes


Zumba is an easy to do, exhilarating workout for your entire body. Each class features exotic dance moves set to high-energy Latin beats.

  1. Take one step to the left with your left foot.
  2. ock your weight back to the right foot.
  3. Step back to the center with your left foot.
  4. Pause for the fouth count.
  5. Step to the right with your right foot.
  6. Shift your weight onto the left foot.
  7. Bring your right foot back to center.
  8. Pause for the eighth count.